Domestic violence against men: Johnny Deep, Will Smith and the Mayor of London.


In one of the audios that was shown to the jury at the trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, Amber is heard saying the following:
“Tell the world Johnny, tell the world, I, Johnny Depp, a white man, I’m a victim of domestic violence, let’s see who believes you and how many people get on your side”.

These are the words of Amber Heard.

We posted about it before: Both men and women can be victim of domestic abuse, its not gender specific. Erin Pizzey, an English ex-feminist and men’s rights advocate, domestic abuse advocate, and novelist wrote about this many years ago. For this reasons, feminists hate her. Toxic behaviors committed by women” are oftentimes swept under the rug (feminists to that all the time) and the sad fact is men silently endure these behaviors more than we acknowledge.

Again, feminism is NOT about equality. This is the narrative. The fact is that feminists wants privilege and feminists do hate men. While feminists, “equalitarian”, condemn misogyny (hate against women) the same feminists SUPPORT misandry (hate against men).

As Erin Pizzey explained many years ago, we really hope these incidents with Will Smith and Johnny Deep will bring awareness to men who have suffered from domestic violence. This is why so many men stay silent. Johnny is opening the doors wider for men to come and stand up and say me too. If anything Johnny has shone a very bright and powerful light on Men in toxic relationships, on men being abused, on men suffering at the hands of what looks to be an “innocent” partner, normally toxic and narcissistic women affected by feminism.

The recent cases of Johnny Deep and Will Smith show to society that violence against men IS REAL. Women can be the aggressors and physically assault men using objects or the body and can be manipulative using psychological violence against men. These kinds of women know that that law privileges women compared to men, they use it against men and some men do not react, afraid to be shamed or because they have been told to behave like white knights because women are “delicate, always right and do not make mistakes”.

If these millionaire actors can be victims of female physical and psychological violence, imagine what is happening with the average man, who fight and dies in wars, labour worker, poor educated, who has no legal rights and does the most physical and dangerous jobs, who is invisible and has no power in front of the law?

Regarding Amber Heard: Isn’t anyone curious why she took so many photos and recorded so many fights and conversations? And she never managed to record any time of him physically abusing her even when she taunted him? She knew she was recording so she made sure that she chose her words carefully. It’s like she was setting him up all along when she could have left at any time.

Lastly, some words about the Mayor of London:

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, said: “I need to speak directly to men and boys about an issue of immense importance – a matter of life and death. That’s because in this country – and in our city – we currently face an epidemic of violence against women and girls, committed by men”.

Not a Londoner but I think the Mayor should help ALL forms of victims and not just women. Looks like that the Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan thinks men are not victim of domestic violence as the Mayor, and with many male Londoners money, launched a campaign to tackle violence against women and girls. Men and boys when victims of domestic violence, well, he does not care.

Mr Khan should learn more. So throughout the past weeks during the Depp/Heard trial we have learned:

•Women can verbally assault men in front of everyone and it’s perfectly fine.

•A woman can relieve herself on a man’s pillow and laugh with her friends about it and that’s fine

•A woman can cut off a man’s finger tip in a heated argument and no one bats an eye

•A woman can demand money in a civil setting and claim its for donation purposes and keep it and all is right with the world.

•A woman can gas light a man into believing horrible things about himself that are not true

•A woman can smirk and laugh during court proceedings while a man is forced to relive horrible experiences

•A woman can talk poorly about a man’s kids

•A woman can put make up and finger nail polish on her and the law will pass it off as bruises and blood

•A man can be trauma bonded into submission

•A man can love hard and be fearful of failure and force himself to stay

•A man can battle addictions but like everyone else, cannot do it alone.

•A man can lose his career over allegations but a woman with the same keeps her job.

•A man is not allowed to defend himself in court without harassment

•A man is not allowed to have a fair trial because the judge backs the woman

•A man is judged because he worries how the accusations will affect his children, family, etc.


Support Erin Pizzey, British domestic violence specialist. White Ribbon Australia attacks Erin Pizzey


As some of you probably remember, A Voice For Men started the site in December 2014. Unlike the Australian White Ribbon, this site also helps male victims of domestic violence. As expected, feminists were angry over people being mistakenly led to this “misogynist” site instead of the Australian White Ribbon site. That’s right, they were angry because AVFM’s White Ribbon site also helps male victims of domestic violence. Many feminists claim that by helping male victims of domestic violence, the focus is taken away from helping female victims. This is despite the fact that one in three victims of domestic violence are male.


Soon after the creation of the site, AVFM handed it over to Erin Pizzey – founder of the first domestic violence shelter and  British domestic violence specialist. Erin Pizzey now operates the site without any financial gain. This site is what white ribbon should be, helping victims of domestic violence regardless of their gender.

White Ribbon Australia have filed a complaint with the World Wide Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) over ownership of the domain. They want to take the site from Erin Pizzey. According to what they have put on their public record, the driving force behind their records is partially ideological.

Erin Pizzey says: “Please help me pay my defense fund. are trying to remove my web site .

This website as very important evidence based research from all over the world that is proof that domestic violence is not and never has been a gender issue. The roots of domestic violence lie in generational family violence. What you are exposed to as a child can damage you if your parenting is dysfunctional and violent. We must protect all victims of domestic violence not just women and girls”.

A voice for men are seeking attorneys to defend Erin Pizzey in this case. They are doing a crowd funding project to raise funds for her case. Any additional funds raised will be donated by AVFM to an Australian based organisation dedicated to male victims of domestic violence.

White Ribbon Australia and feminists bully a legend (Erin Pizzey) who proved that domestic violence has not gender.

Special forces soldier uses a GoPro camera to prove wife’s abuse

The soldier, identified only as Michael, took to wearing the GoPro on his body during his encounters with his wife

Soldier uses GoPro to prove wife's domestic abuse

Domestic abuse has no sex, it has no socio-economic status, it has no education level (or lack  of)) . Domestic abuse goes across all boundaries.  Erin Pizzey (British woman against feminism) told us that. It is logic and it is clear. But feminists don’t talk about it. In their crazy minds “men are bad, women are perfect”. Further information about this myth here, here and here

This feminist myth is NOT REAL.

A former US Army Ranger (special forces) from Florida has strapped a GoPro camera to his belt to catch his estranged wife forcibly grabbing his genitals during a contentious custody handover.

‘This is just one of many instances where I’ve had to use the camera to either prove her guilt or prove my innocence and that’s the only reason I am carrying it,’ the solider, identified only as ‘Michael,’ told the station 10News.

Michael, a resident of Pinellas County, has been locked in a drawn-out custody battle with his spouse, 37-year-old Corinne Novak, over their 2-year-old twin boys. The couple are also in the process of getting a divorce.

The husband has accused Novak of domestic violence, and in order to prove his claim he took to tying a small camera to his belt using a parachute cord during his encounters with her.

Michael’s GoPro was rolling when he met his wife last Thursday to exchange custody of their sons.

The video, obtained by 10News, opens with the retired solider reaching into the back of his car to unbuckle one of his sons. Suddenly, he lets out a scream and jerks his body back.

Upon closer inspection, the blurry footage shows what appears to be Corinne Novak’s hand in the bottom right corner grabbing her estranged husband’s testicles.

Novak is then heard off camera yelling at Michael: ‘call the police. I’m gonna tell them that you just assaulted me.’

When Michael shared the video documenting his alleged assault with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, it was enough to have Corinne Novak arrested on a domestic battery charge.

Behind bars: Corinne Novak, 37, was arrested after her husband shared his GoPro video with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office 

Women against feminism UK:

We  hope they throw her in jail and allow those children to have a home where they will be cared for.

Well, It is time to expose feminists and this myth about domestic violence  . You can be a tough special forces soldier but the enemy can be your weak wife. Muscles and toughness are useless when a false image has beeb created by society.  The true is  that strong people can be victims and weak people can be aggressors too.

You can ask: A tough  special forces soldier trained to defend the Nation against the worst of enemies is a ‘victim of domestic violence’ by his wife?

We can answer you that. Yes. He is. Domestic abuse has no sex. We should be intolerant of all domestic violence, help and protect all REAL victims and punish all REAL perpetrators. Regardless of sex or age. We just need the legal system, the law enforcement agencies, and the government to get on board. But feminists don’t want that.  The domestic violence myth is money for them.

This soldier has learnt what asymmetric warfare means inside his own home. It is not about power and muscles. Public opinion, propaganda, victimhood and political correctness are often used by feminists and  marxist movements as guerrillas (same agenda/ same tactics) to achieve their goals in this battle for money and power.

This soldier should have learnt that. His wive did but fortunately he has recorded  the real story.

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